Treasures found only in the abandoned areas

Explore abandoned and lost places around Europe with URbex, the best urbex site around. Get to know the history and why these places were abandoned.


Thank you for your interest in exploring abandoned places around Europe. We hope you will enjoy your exploration.

Thank you for finding abandoned places. Have fun exploring the world’s treasures!

We hope to see you exploring the abandoned city after your visit. We look forward to visiting soon!

Please read this them before conducting any exploration:

Thank you for signing up with Abandoned Places! We’ll be in touch soon to work on your membership details. In the meantime, check out our blog and website at!

Urban exploration, the exploration of abandoned buildings and forgotten sites, is an exciting hobby. We can see extreme urban decay and fascinating evidence of changes in society. A few of the things you might see are trash, graffiti

Your order has been cancelled. It was great exploring with you! If you need more information on abandoned places, feel free to send an email to

You and 2 friends have chosen to explore and explore together this selected list of the Europe’s most incredible and mysterious abandoned and lost places.

Your night with Urban Exploration is set! You can explore the interesting abandoned buildings of Chicago by joining our underground night tours, or explore the subterranean unknown of New York City with our Challenge yourself to see what’s under the surface tours. Be sure to check the email for more details.

Welcome! Would you like to start exploring photos and the histories of abandoned places and urban exploration? To start exploring, click the link in the text below.

Thank you for your interest in combining our passion for travel with abandoned buildings, derelict structures, deserted places and all things urban exploration. Please take a moment now to review our terms and conditions which you can view from the link below from now until the time of your booking.

Thank you for your interest in exploring abandoned places with us. We do our best to make sure each and every ruin goes off with a bang. Expect a photo demo with a tour of a location selected by us, and a notice of our next announcement.

Hi there, we’re excited to see you out at the abandoned facility today. Your ticket is ready for pickup with the instructions for the adventure. Have fun playing in the old abandoned warehouse.

-have- you been exploring the abandoned building on the Hill back in the woods? We’d love to see all those crazy photos you took! Send those to ❤

Your offer to explore abandoned buildings has been accepted. You’ll need to e-mail us to let us know when you’re wanting to start this.

Thank you for your interest in exploring abandoned and lost places around Europe. We will be in contact soon with more info and an excursion itinerary. Don’t forget to explore your passions by visiting our Urbex Pool!

The UR-Train is loading. Explore abandoned locations with this unique guide available on the app and online.

Thank you for signing up to explore our photography company, Abandoned Places. That includes all the photos we have posted on our social medias, and the places we explore. We hope to hear from you soon!

Wow, it’s been so exciting reading about your journey into the abandoned and lost places around Europe, and we want to start planning too. Please let us know what kind of site you hope on exploring, and we’ll get back to you with some exciting suggestions.

Thank you for your purchase of Explore photos and the histories of Abandoned Places and Urban Exploration. We’ll send you your purchase information with your receipt. Remember to keep your receipt so you know where your pictures are located.

Your job will be to explore the abandoned ruins of old silver mines, which are ironically abandoned by the silver itself. Safety comes first so you won’t be allowed to just wander into places which still contain the dangerous elements that the mines include.

You’re traveling, but you need some hacking lessons in order to avoid getting caught, or need to hack an abandoned building so you can live in it. Don’t worry, we’ve got something for you. Click this link for your hacking lesson:

Pl Jama says :
This email confirms that you’re interested in joining a community of explorers who share a common interest in abandoned buildings, structures, deserted places and urban exploration. You’ll want to check out our other communities in your area: Abandoned Places: Derelict structures Abandoned Places: Derelict industrial buildings Abandoned Places: Derelict hotels, dwells and inns Abandoned Places: Dere

Hi there! We hope that your explorations of abandoned places result in a lifetime of adventure. In the meantime, let us know if there is any way we can help.

Just a reminder that we’ll be meeting twice a week in our virtual conference to focus on exploring lost, forgotten and abandoned places. We have a great time and it’s always open to members who have joined the conference.

Just a quick update. The next day, you can book your next adventure with us. Feel free to explore the abandoned and lost places during your European trips.

Thank you for your inquiry. We are currently not accepting any bookings of abandoned buildings, bunkers, or underground locations.

Yes, abandoned places sounds exciting. Abandoned places in our lives are exciting locations in which we can play out our fantasies in reality.

Thanks for signing up to explore abandoned places and urban exploration! To help you get started we have five recommended areas to explore, looking for urban explorers.

Please allow us to introduce ourselves. We’re the one’s that created Abandoned Places, a community dedicated to exploring deserted spaces and meaningful urban decay. Our members come from all over the world, such as Canada, Ireland, Poland, and England. Regardless of where you live, we hope to connect you with like-minded, responsible and unique individuals who have the propensity to explore, photograph, share

Perfect for exploring abandoned buildings, bunkers, undergrounds so maybe checking out a salvage yard down the street from you. As the owner of these secret havens, you enjoy a variety of travel perks including guaranteed exclusive discounts so get booking before all the spots get reserved.

Thank you for your order. Our Underground Division is equipped with the latest technology to find abandoned, unused or unused-up properties. Expect an update from us within 24 hours.

We hope you had a great time and enjoyed our special offer at If you’re interested in our other trips and tours, also be sure to visit our homepage for more, or contact us at

Thanks for your sign up, we know it can be a dangerous activity, but we love exploring abandoned buildings so we’re glad you’re here. Your content will be ready soon.

Abandoned property is often a wildly different part of urban space. These spaces invite a certain sense of mystery to the discovery that awaits. What to expect: As soon as your order is placed, you will be notified via email.

Thank you for using the Abandoned Places website! Your recent visit was a success. Look for the “GET STARTED” button to create your next exploration to a new destination.

A close up look at abandoned cities! Your tickets are in the mail and they include a detailed packing list. You can also go to to find out more about this tour. Ciao!

Thank you for your order, please add it to cart for delivery. Remember to add our Abandoned Places add-ons when you purchase this vehicle!

Thanks for visiting our Abandoned Places website!

We’re excited to hear that you’re exploring abandoned and lost places. You’ll be getting detailed information on what you’ll need for your trip, including tips on what not to bring, what to look for, best equipment choices, and more. We’ll send you this information soon.

Would you like to explore the photos and the histories of abandoned places and urban exploration?

Hi, I would like to invite you to the following travel package. London Explore Photos and the History of Abandoned Places and Urban Exploration

We appreciate your interest in abandoned places. Our team members are eager to get out and explore. The costs for any exploration is dependent on where you go, any items that you do or don’t collect, and how far you go.

Thank you for your interest in the Urban Explorer activity. We are glad to hear that you’re interested in exploring abandoned buildings. Please provide your contact information below to get updates on the tour opportunities available for you. If you have any questions, please contact us at the email in the signature, or hit reply to this email.

Your abandoned places trip is booked. We are looking forward to getting inside these abandoned buildings with you! Please let us know in the comments if you have any questions before your trip.

Thank you for your order to explore an abandoned building during the day. We expect you back tomorrow to share your experience with us.

Here’s the deal. You’re about to get an exclusive tour of abandoned places and urban exploration stories thanks to The Explorer Trail! This email is just a small sample of the many adventures that await you. Make sure to check us out at for more sweet deals.

We understand you’d like us to follow up on your inquiry to explore photos and the histories of abandoned places. Please follow the the steps below to have your inquiry sent to our team for consideration.

Aykilh says :
It sounds like you are interested in exploring interesting abandoned places around Europe. We are so happy you found your way to our website! Thank you for your interest in exploring abandoned buildings with us, and wish you the best of luck on your travels.

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